Saturday, July 6, 2013

I just saw a "back to school" sign and almost vomited!

     Fourth of July is over, and that usually means that the count down to school starting begins. I just saw a back to school sign and thought "really"? Every holiday or time of year sale is always promoted so early! I hate that! Why can't we just enjoy the time it is right now?!

     With that being said, what are my teacher friends doing right now? Relaxing and enjoying summer still? Or, starting to feel the "back to school" bandwagon approaching??? 

    I'm doing a little of both. I am trying to enjoy the month of July. Anything that comes to mind for school goes on an idea list for me to consider in August. What are your thoughts??? 


  1. I laughed reading your post because I felt the same way as I looked in Sunday's paper! Ahh!! Back to school sales! I know I feel the pressure with everything we need to get done with MLit and preparing for the start of the year. I am trying to still enjoy this last month of summer though even if it's just reading for my article outside to get some sun :)

    1. I agree! We need to enjoy the little time we have before we have school (MLIT) and work!

  2. Sad as it may be, I have been thinking about next school year since the last day of school. We have so many changes going on that it is hard not to think about. Throughout the summer, I have received many emails about upcoming students and new hires that need to be done. But most of all, I have been thinking about my students getting ready for middle school next year. Some times it is so hard to let the munchkins go. We, as teachers, need to make it a priority to take a few moments to breath and relax before August rolls around!

    1. I couldn't agree with you more! I have three meetings this week with my team to discuss curriculum and things next year! And that's just the voluntary meetings! I have received a couple emails for other meetings and now feel the pressure! Sometimes, at least for myself, I need to be happy with good is good enough!

  3. Your title cracked me up big time! But I agree with the others, why does it have to start so early? We still have a good month! The sad part is I know it will go SO FAST!! One thing I'm trying to focus on is all the new strategies and ideas I want to start in my classroom this year! That makes thinking about the new year fun!

    1. It goes by so fast. We think we have time to relax, plan, and rejuvenate for the next year but in reality I feel like I'm always thinking about teaching stuff!?! It just comes up naturally. I like that you focus on strategies and tie it in to fun. That's why we are teachers!

  4. That's definitely the problem with summer - the fact that it's a finite amount of time. I'm looking forward to this last month of summer, but I know it's going to fly. I'm taking my annual family vacation up to northern Minnesota in a couple of weeks and then hoping that my wife and I can still get the kids to a couple more things before both of us are back into the classroom. Guess we'll see how many things we can get to on our unofficial list. I'm hoping we can at least hit the Renaissance Fair - I think my daughter would love that.

    1. I love that you have a yearly vacation planned out. I need to do that and dedicate it to only fun and relaxing! Good suggestion!

  5. Yes Michelle! Isn't it funny how the 4th signals the end of summer for teachers?! Of course, it's something we can only discuss among teachers. Non-educators would bite our heads off: "You're complaining about 4 more weeks of vacation!" My cousin is a new 3rd grade teacher this year and tried setting up her room this week only to be kicked out by the janitors. HA! We're all getting antsy about August. Just the other day I opened my work email and was bombarded-just as quickly I closed the window! Now those work emails are nagging me, but I must hold off just a bit longer. :)

    1. Ha! You are so right! I've been emailing my principal to see if I can get in early and she doesn't respond! Probably thinks this girl needs to be away from school ha! I have a stack of files I brought home in June from school and every time I go to work on them I turn to watch TV instead! Ahhh!
