Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ahh yes! The smell of new school supplies! A teacher's favorite!

Don't you love when the kids come in with all of the their fresh, never used supplies! Everything is so clean and crisp! It's one of the greatest moments at the beginning of the year!   But, after about two days the supplies are already broken or misplaced.... I hate when this happens because the rest of the year I feel like I am reorganizing, and I', going crazy trying to keep 6 and 7 year olds accountable for their stuff!Well not this year! I found some great blogs that have amazing organization tips for the classroom and classroom supplies!  Take a look at some of the blogs that I posted below.....

What do you think?

What are your best organization tips for the classroom?


I want to try this!!!

Mission Organization: Teacher Style

I love organizing!!!


  1. I am excited and overwhelmed at the idea of starting school. I am an organized freak when it comes to my classroom. I teach 6, 7, 8th grade Science. I have separate bins for each grade, and use files to organize homework and labs. I will post pictures in the next few weeks as I start my classroom. Can't wait to see more ideas?

    1. Yes please post what you do! I love to organize my room and set it up for a successful year! I love to see what other teachers do for class set up and organizing! Hope the move is going well!

  2. Organization is personally my greatest challenge; thus, my student often struggle with it too. The ideas that you shared are practical and easy to implement. Also, I love the pictures of examples and the links to further investigate really drew me into your blog with them!

    1. I'm glad the pictures hooked you because the blogs I posted have awesome and easy ideas for organizing. I feel pretty good about organizing and that trickles down to my students, at least at th beginning of the year. Then winter comes and I start to slack on keeping things organized and my students begin to do the same. One goal for me is to keep my class well organized for best student functioning for the entire year. Hopefully these ideas are ones that work for me and maybe you! Loved the pics of you and Ella at sox game! Awww precious!!!

  3. I love that ecard that you found! I think that is too perfect! I have that same motto. This time of year I get caught up in the "cutsie" side of things and spend WAY too much money on decorations for the classroom. I can see why teachers accumulate so much stuff lol! One of the things I like best to stay organized is have those plastic organizer bins with Mon-Friday on the outside and file the papers I will use all week and the supplies in the drawers. It helps keep me organized and my desk clear of stacks of papers! It also allows me to plan ahead and stay on top of things! I

    1. This time of year I could spend ten grand on school stuff and decorations.... If I was a millionaire! But, I do want my room to be fun, cute, and friendly!?! I mean, I spend at least ten hours in it most days, so I want to feel like its a sanctuary rather than a job. I love the idea about the m-f bins. I do something similar, but I slacked on it the past couple years just throwing papers on top of it rather than in each drawer. Not this year!!!! I'm going to stay organized so my class is well functioning! Let's hope:)
